We meet at Temple Sinai, located at:
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30327
(404) 252-3073
If you'd like to donate to WISH, you may do so through Temple Sinai's Tributes and Contributions page, found at:
Upcoming events 2015/6:
WISH is on Summer holiday. Check back here in the Fall for news and programming notes. Thanks!
Wo/Men's Infertility Support Havurah presents: Adoption
May 26, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm
The decision to adopt isn’t easy; no one “just adopts.” Despite what people think, the road to a successful adoption is a rollercoaster—with many fees and people to consider: the prospective adoptive parents, the birth mother, the birth father, the adoption attorney and the adoption consultant.
Adoption can leave even the most prepared person with questions: How will I afford this? What’s an open adoption? What’s a closed adoption? Is adopting from foster care an option? Should I do domestic or international adoption? Is it ok that we’re older? Is it ok that I’m single? What about gay/lesbian prospective parents? What if the birth mother changes her mind? What’s an adoption profile book and how do I make one?
WISH is pleased to present three speakers on May 26th to help us learn about the legal, emotional and financial aspects of this very special journey. Michelle Lambert, MS, LPC, from Cradle of Love Adoption and JF&CS will share her professional expertise as an adoption consultant and licensed professional counselor. Additionally, WISH welcomes Temple Sinai members Phil and Betty Klein who will share their personal stories and experiences with adoption and fostering.
For those interested, an optional support group facilitated by a licensed clinician will immediately follow the main meeting.
*WISH is a co-ed, multi-denominational support group for men and women in the Atlanta area. We meet at Temple Sinai, located in Sandy Springs.
Wo/Men's Infertility Support Havurah presents:
Third Party Reproduction
April 21, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm
The decision to use donor eggs, sperm, embryos or even a surrogate to help make your baby is not easy and can leave you full of questions. How do I choose? Will the donor have any rights to my baby? What if the surrogate changes their mind? How will I ever afford this?
Join Wish on April 21st from 7-9pm along with Steering committee members Lynn Goldman and Kerri Golding to help answer these questions and learn about the legal, emotional and financial aspects of this very special journey. Lynn will share her professional expertise as an attorney who specializes in reproductive law, and Kerri and her gestational carrier will be present to share about their experience as Intended Parent and surrogate.
For those interested, an optional support group facilitated by a licensed clinician will immediately follow the main meeting.
*WISH is a co-ed, multi-denominational support group for men and women in the Atlanta area. We meet at Temple Sinai, located in Sandy Springs.
Wo/Men's Infertility Support Havurah presents: Self-Care
March 10, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm
“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” – Mandy Hale
Come join WISH for a journey into self-care practices on March 10, 2016 from 7:00-9:00pm. We are delighted that Kerri Golding, LCSW will be joining us as a guest speaker. Temple Sinai’s Bunzl Family Cantorial Chair, Beth Schafer, will also be present to facilitate a meaningful guided meditation experience. Topics to be discussed will range from wellness and mindfulness practices to techniques to avoid being your own bully. Learn to take good care of yourself, because you deserve it!
For those interested, an optional support group facilitated by a licensed clinician will immediately follow the main meeting.
*WISH is a co-ed, multi-denominational support group for men and women in the Atlanta area. We meet at Temple Sinai, located in Sandy Springs.
Wo/men's Infertility Support Havurah presents: HOT Monogamy!
February 18, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm
“I remember when you were a twinkle in your Mother’s eye.” Whether dealing with infertility or secondary infertility, would-be parents long to say those words. But what about when the procedural nature of infertility—scheduled sex, IUIs, and IVFs—takes that steamy twinkle away? Come join WISH for a saucy post-Valentine’s Day twinkle spectacular: HOT MONOGOMY with guest speaker and Temple Sinai member Dr. Mitzi Rubin, M.D., on February 18, 2016 from 7pm to 9pm. Come discuss how to get your twinkle back!
For those interested, an optional licensed clinician (Kerri Golding, LCSW or Jana Glass, LPC/MAC) facilitated support group will immediately follow the main meeting.
*WISH is a co-ed, multi-denominational support group for men and women in the Atlanta area. We meet at Temple Sinai, located in Sandy Springs.
Wo/Men's Infertility Support Havurah presents Jewish Perspectives on Fertility
January 14th at 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Come in from the January cold and join WISH* for its monthly meeting! Join Rabbi Perry and our special guest, Rabbi Analia Bortz of Congregation Or Chadash, on January 14, 2016 at 7:00pm for a discussion of fertility from the Jewish perspective. Topics will include Jewish spiritual approaches to fertility, Jewish legal status issues, Jewish rituals, and more. No cost to attend.
Open to people needing fertility support and those who love them. For those interested, an optional support group facilitated by a licensed clinician (Kerri Golding, LCSW or Jana Glass, LPC/MAC) will immediately follow the main meeting.
*WISH is a multi-denominational support group for men and women in the Atlanta area. See our website for more information, www.wishatlanta.org
December 3, 2015 at 7:00pm
You know what’s around the corner: The Holidays. You know what to expect: Family photo holiday cards, pregnant in-laws, and questions, questions, and more questions. When are you having children? When are you having your second? Don’t wait too long! Tick-Tock!
Join WISH on December 3, 2015 at 7:00pm for our Holiday Foot-in-Mouth Disease discussion of “Handling the Holidays: What to Do or Say to Get Through the Season." For those interested, an optional licensed clinician (Kerri Golding, LCSW or Jana Glass, LPC/MAC) facilitated support group will immediately follow the main meeting.
*WISH is a multi-denominational support group for men and women in the Atlanta area.
November 12, 2015, 7:00pm
At this month’s information session, Temple Sinai member and yoga teacher, Caren Cohen, will share the benefits of yoga for fertility, stress reduction and overall fitness. Caren is a 200-hour certified yoga instructor that has been practicing yoga for 12 years and teaching since 2011. The mother of two children, Caren also struggled with fertility and will share her story. Beyond this session, you can find her classes at Empower Yoga and Burn Studios.
In addition, Michelle Moody, Lic. Acu., of Meridian Health Healing Arts will join us to discuss the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture for fertility treatments and over all health.
For those interested, an optional clinician-facilitated support group will immediately follow the main meeting.
*Loose clothing and yoga mat encouraged.
No cost. For more information about WISH and to RSVP for this event, visit www.wishatlanta.org
Wo/Men's Infertility Support Havurah (WISH) is having its first support group meeting on October 15, 2015 at 7:00pm. Please come listen, learn and feel supported in a safe and confidential environment. No cost. RSVP not required.
OCTOBER 15, 2015
Temple Sinai
5645 Dupree Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30327
L'dor V'dor: Finding Support to Create the Next Generation
August 30, 2015| 7:00pm @ Temple Sinai
Are you or someone you know facing challenge with creating a family? Please join WISH for its inaugural community-wide event. At this event, a panel of fertility and legal experts will share important information and resources, and will be available to answer questions from attendees. Presenters include:
Jenn Hobby, host of Atlanta radio’s Kicks 101.5, co-host for Falcons Playback on ATL’s CW69, and previous co-host of The Bert Show on Q100. In addition to being an engaging radio personality, Jenn is an expectant mother who has faced personal struggles with infertility.
Dr. Daniel Shapiro of Reproductive Biology Associates, an expert in reproductive endocrinology and infertility.
Attorney Lynn Holland-Goldman​ of Claiborne, Fox & Bradley, LLC, who specializes in adoption and surrogacy.
Dr. Angela Arnold, Atlanta psychiatrist who specializes in infertility issues, post-partum depression, and psychopharmacology of mood disorders in women.
Nobody should have to face infertility challenges alone.
Register for this event by clicking here.
Despite the high value Judaism places on the creation of future generations and the fact that infertility affects 1 in 8 couples, Atlanta lacks a Jewish fertility resource. Like many synagogues, Temple Sinai emphasizes family, but for some, creating a family (or increasing it) is difficult—some days, the dream seems impossible!
Knowing this, at Rosh Hashanah 2014, our dynamic clergy added a fertility prayer after the reading of the names of babies who had been born in the past year, which led to the creation of WISH—a new monthly group for women and men wrestling with fertility.
WISH will be the first of its kind, hosting monthly meetings that alternately focus on support and education—from speakers on traditional and alternative medicine, to legal topics addressing adoption and surrogacy, to issues affecting single-gender couples or singletons, as well as what Judaism has to say on fertility, ritual and loss.